Want to Grow Vibrant Healthy Hair? These 5 Suggestions Are Effective

health & wellness personal development physical health Apr 21, 2022
Want to Grow Healthy Hair? These 5 Suggestions Are Effective

The sad truth about hair is that nobody takes notice of it unless something’s gone wrong. People negligently handle their scalps until dandruff shows up, or follicles get brittle, or worse – hair starts thinning. Hair has always been, and always will be, a part of the body. This essentially means that healthy hair can only be nourished and maintained through mindful lifestyle choices.


Hair Is a Crown You Never Take Off:

Health and Fitness Writer Sara Lindberg explains, “Hair grows from a root at the bottom of a follicle under the skin. Generally speaking, people are born with all the hair follicles they’ll ever have – around 5 million, to be exact. Out of these, about 100,000 follicles are on the scalp. While genetics does play a role in maintaining healthy hair growth, several other factors also come into play.” Here are a few quick tips on how to nurture vibrant hair:


   I.    Get Scalp Massages:

Massaging is good for the skin because it relaxes muscles and tissues and stimulates blood flow. Healthy blood flow transports vital nutrients across a wider surface area of the skin. 


  II.    Wash Your Hair with Cool Water:

Hair follicles need constant lubrication from sebaceous glands underneath the skin. But when sebaceous glands are exposed to high-temperature water, the natural oils that they secrete dissolve away. Cool water enables more natural moisturization.


  III.    Stop Smoking:

Smoking is a toxic habit that accelerates tissue damage in a wide number of ways. Smoking particularly contributes to hair loss by damaging DNA, causing oxidative stress, and reducing blood flow to follicles.


  IV.    Nourish Your Hair Through Diet:

Vitamins and minerals help hair follicles to become robust. The best nutrients for hair growth are B-Vitamins, zinc, and iron. Such nutrients can be found in eggs, berries, seafood, avocados, nuts, and seeds.


  V.    Nourish Your Hair with Supplements:

If keeping track of foodstuff sounds elaborate, a convenient shortcut is health supplements. Get in touch with a licensed health care professional to receive the best advice concerning supplements for hair.



People tend to think that hair is indestructible. But hair is still a part of our skin. And skin just happens to be the largest and most sensitive organ on the human body. Regardless of the fact that hair can be shaven off repeatedly, only to grow back, the millions of follicles on our skin still benefit from careful treatment. Good hair grows when skin is fed, pampered, and protected. Whether you’re interested in personal development, health and wellness, bettering your relationships, or the overall improvement of your business, give us a call at 1 (800) 913-0222 to find out how Richard Martinez can help you break past your daily struggles and start soaring in success.

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