Most Women Go Through Life at a Financial Disadvantage: These 4 Principles Can Help You Turn the Tide

career & business finances personal development May 03, 2022
Most Women Go Through Life at a Financial Disadvantage

One of the most important things you can do to empower yourself as a woman is to take control of your finances. Being smart with money doesn’t require genius. Just common sense. No matter your current financial situation, the key to building wealth is simple – live within your means. With a little determination, you’ll eventually stand at the mountaintop of your dreams.


Financial Freedom is a Human Birthright:

Personal Finance Writer Rachel Pruitt explains, “Times have changed. Money matters were once considered to be a male responsibility. But women have discovered how emancipating it is to be financially independent. There’s nothing wrong with being money-conscious. Especially if you’re serious about financial independence.” Here are a few quick tips on how to work towards financial independence as a woman:


1.    Consciously Defy Repressive Stereotypes:

Conservative values tend to teach that women should depend on men to be breadwinners. But it’s impossible to expand financial expertise with a dependent mindset. If you want to make money, and manage it well, start by psychologically taking charge of your destiny.


2.    Set Long-Term Financial Goals:

Building wealth is a journey, and journeys can only be completed with a defined destination. This is why you should take some time to set ambitious financial goals. Understanding what you want to achieve will help you progress over time.


3.    Streamline Your Lifestyle:

If calculating your net income produces a cash deficit, it’s time to look for places to save money. Creating a budget will help you identify things you can sacrifice from regular expenses and roll over into your savings.


4.    Embrace a Mindset of Investment:

If you live within your means, or if you regularly accumulate disposable income, the money you save should be put to work. Invest in assets that increase in value. Assets like real estate, small business/entrepreneurship, and so on.



In the past, women have been discouraged from taking an interest in finances. Primarily because of problematic gender roles. But today is a new day, and if you’re a woman, your perspective on wealth management should be bold and innovative. If you like what you just read from our blog, you’ll love the various informative courses, workshops, and events listed on our websites and social media. Whether you’re interested in personal development, health and wellness, bettering your relationships, or the overall improvement of your business, give us a call at 1 (800) 913-0222 to find out how Richard Martinez can help you break past your daily struggles and start soaring in success.

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