How to organize your life and get things done

Nov 28, 2022


You know that moment when you're frantically trying to get everything done, and you realize it's just not possible? You can't do it all! Don't feel bad about that. We all run into this problem at one point or another. It's simply a part of life that we often try to avoid or ignore because it just feels so overwhelming. However, there are ways that you can organize your priorities and get things done without feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand. Here are seven things I've found helpful in the past few years:

Find Your Why

One of the most powerful techniques for living a productive life is to find your “why.”

Why do you do the things that you do? When you reflect on this question, it's important to focus on what motivates and drives your actions.

This might include personal values such as integrity or respect or a professional ambition such as becoming a successful business owner or taking over your family business one day.

When we understand our motivations, we can use them as fuel to power through challenges and keep focused on achieving our goals.

Create a Daily Routine

As a kid, you likely had routines with your family. You knew when to wake up, when to eat and what to wear. Now that you’re an adult, it’s time to create new ones.

The word “routine” is often associated with boredom or rigidity—but it doesn’t have to be! Your routine is simply a pattern of behaviors repeated regularly over time. It can include making coffee in the morning or taking your dog for a walk every evening. If done consistently, these actions will become part of your life and help keep everything running smoothly from day to day so that no matter what comes at you during any given 24-hour period, you still do certain things automatically without even thinking about them (like getting dressed). Hence, they not only not waste energy but also use it more wisely toward other tasks (like cleaning). This way life feels less stressful because there won't be any know exactly how much work needs finishing before lunchtime or what clothes should go on first before getting dressed each morning

Focus on One Thing at a Time

One of the most important things you can do to get organized and get things done is to focus on one thing at a time. You don’t want to be that person who’s always juggling several balls in the air at once. This is because when your attention is split between multiple things, it’s difficult for you to focus on any particular task or activity.

It's also important not to try too much at once; otherwise, you'll become overwhelmed and discouraged by all your responsibilities. When we try too many new things at once, it's easy for us to become frustrated with ourselves when we realize how much has been added to our plate without realizing it!

Make it Happen

You can’t do everything, and that’s okay. When you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list, pick a few things from the bottom of your priorities list and move them to the top. Let it go for now if something doesn't fit your plan.

Budgeting time is equally important as budgeting money: if you have a particular goal in mind for yourself or someone else, make sure it's not an unrealistic expectation. A good rule of thumb when prioritizing is to aim for realistic goals—and then exceed them!

Make sure your plan is flexible enough so that unforeseen circumstances don't throw off all of your carefully made plans and strategies (and let's face it—the unexpected happens).


  • Declutter your home.
  • Get rid of things you don't need or want.
  • Don't keep it because it was expensive, has sentimental value, or was a gift from someone close to you. Let go of the old to make room for the new!
  • Ask yourself, "Why do I have this?" and "How often do I use this?" If an item doesn’t fit into either category (of “I need it” or “I use it a lot”), then get rid of it!

Schedule "Fun" Time

When working on your goals and getting things done, schedule some "fun" time.

Keep a calendar of the fun things you have planned, and keep yourself accountable. If something prevents you from doing something by your choice, don't just throw it out the window. Instead, adjust your schedule accordingly so that your goals can be achieved and what you want to do still happens!

Learn to Say "No"

Learning to say “no” is an essential skill for any adult on the path toward self-care. It can feel uncomfortable at first, but it's necessary to protect your time and energy to use them in a way that matters most to you. Here are a few tips for making this process easier:

  • Make sure your reason is valid. There are many reasons we feel guilty about saying no, but the most common is that we don’t believe our reason for doing so is valid or important enough. You might think people will judge you or not respect your decision as much, or even think less of you if they discover what's going on behind closed doors (i.e., who knows what goes on behind closed doors?). The truth is, though—if it doesn't affect anyone else negatively and affects only yourself positively (or vice versa), then go ahead! Your friend isn't entitled to know every detail of your life all the time; she may even be grateful later when she sees how much more organized her life has become by following some of these same principles herself!

Be Grateful and Happy

Be Grateful and Happy.

When you're happy with your life, it's easier to see the good in everything that comes your way. You feel more grateful for all the things already in place and want to put your energy into enjoying them rather than worrying about what's missing from your life.

This also means being thankful for all the people who have been there for you through thick and thin and appreciating all they bring out of yourself by being around them!

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I can’t guarantee that following the advice in this article will make your life perfect. But I do know that if you follow these seven tips, you’ll be on your way to getting a lot more accomplished—and feeling infinitely better about yourself along the way.

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