5 Signs that Procrastination is Starting to Cast a Shadow

personal development Jul 23, 2021
5 Signs that Procrastination is Starting to Cast a Shadow

What are signs of Procrastination?

Do you consider yourself to be a high-achiever?  If the answer is yes, then chances are you know what it means to struggle with procrastination.  In spite of the fact that ambitious people tend to possess a lot of energy and drive, one of the biggest challenges they face in daily life is putting things off.  Especially in situations where the stakes are high.  If procrastination is allowed to run rampant, it can have a negative impact on peace of mind.


Be Careful Not to Lose Track

Psychology Lecturer Fuschia Sirois explains that, “Procrastinators experience higher levels of stress, both from leaving things to the last minute, and from their own negative and self-critical feelings about their procrastination. Research shows that this stress increases vulnerability to illnesses such as colds, indigestion, insomnia, migraines, and muscle tension.”

Here are a few quick tips on how to tell when habitual procrastination is getting out of hand:


1) Sleepless Nights

Putting things off doesn’t happen without emotional consequences.  The most prominent of which is a sense of guilt about procrastination.  When procrastinators feel guilty, it keeps them up at night.


2) Intense Anxiety

The more a person procrastinates, the more the idea of facing responsibilities fills them with dread.  Procrastination anxiety can become so bad that triggers self-doubt.


3) Piling Obligations

The more things are put off, the more responsibilities start to pile up.  If procrastination is never resolved, one small to-do list can snowball into an avalanche of complicated tasks.


4) Memory Loss

When procrastination multiplies people’s obligations, the amount of information that needs to be kept track of also goes up.  In time, it starts becoming easy to forget facts, figures, and events.


5) More and More Excuses

Procrastinators constantly have to keep explaining why they haven’t fulfilled their responsibilities.  Leaving things unfinished creates problems both for procrastinators, and the people who depend on them.



Procrastination doesn’t always feel serious. But you can tell it’s on the verge of becoming a problem if it occurs with every single thing you do.  If you find yourself being constantly distracted by random diversions, that’s a sign that you need to start working on your concentration with routine tasks.  Procrastination can’t necessarily be eliminated from people’s behavior, but its damaging effects can be controlled and mitigated.  All it takes is a little focus.

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