3 Symptoms that Show You Have a Dysfunctional Relationship with Money

personal development Jun 14, 2021
3 Symptoms that Show You Have a Dysfunctional Relationship with Money

Toxic relationship with money!

Do you ever feel frustrated about money?  Are you constantly tormented by the idea of not having enough of it?  Do you have difficulty holding onto cash because of uncontrollable spending?  All of this dissatisfaction is a red flag. It’s a sign that you could have a distorted perspective on money and its role in your life. Finance Guru Robyn Parets advises that “If you want to achieve financial health, you’ll have to build a purposeful relationship with money that is both satisfying, and not overly stressful. Part of a healthy overall money picture includes spending money based on your values, having low debt, saving money to meet goals, and accumulating an emergency fund.”


Here are a few warning signs that a poisonous perception of money is causing you to lose it:


1) Money Makes You Feel Fear

Arguably the biggest reason why people feel stress in life is because of financial worries.  But fear is a toxic emotion.  It paralyzes people, and causes erratic behavior.  Allowing fear to influence your opinions on money will manipulate you into panicking about it.  Replace that fear with optimism.  Instead of being apprehensive, use positivity and magnetism to gain emotional control over your finances.


2) Money Makes You Insecure

Do you pay a lot of attention to the rich and famous?  Do you constantly compare yourself to others in terms of net worth?  If the answer is yes, that means your sense of identity is tied into money.  This is a bad thing. It immerses people into a mindset of constant competition.  Unfortunately, such competitions are impossible to win because there’s always someone out there with more money.  Financial envy is a never-ending spiral.


3) Money Makes You Insensitive

If chasing and making money forces you to act against your conscience, that money will plunge you into misery.  There are plenty of ways to make money in life without being unethical.  There are plenty of ways to make money without causing harm to people.  Don’t make or spend money in a way that provokes guilt.  Live your life in a way that makes you feel proud to have your wealth.



Whether you’re rich or poor, feeling discontent about money is a bad omen.  It means your idea of financial wealth is dictated by limiting beliefs.  Instead of thinking about money as a scarce resource, think of it as a seed.  A seed with the potential to grow. A seed which needs to be planted in the right soil in order to bear fruit.  If that seed is planted in destructive thoughts, it will suffocate too much to attract growth.  But when that seed is planted in fertilized soil, its nourishing environment will help the seed germinate.  Fertilize your expectations on money with optimism, innovation and creativity.  Positive energy creates positive outcomes. If you like what you just read from our blog, you’ll love the various informative courses, workshops and events listed on our websites and social media. Whether you’re interested in personal development, or overall improvement of your business, give us a call at 1 (888) 823-7757 to find out how The RISE Academy can help you break past your daily struggles and start soaring in success. For business development coaching by Richard Martinez, call at 626-202-2291 or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Address : 260 Baker Street Suite 200 Costa Mesa CA 92626

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